How to Use

Guide for Use

The present website contains the scholarly bequest of Peter Meller (1923–2008), Professor of Art History at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). The recently scanned material, preserved at the Department of Special Research Collections at the UCSB Library, is available here in PDF format. The website contains more than 150 PDF files.

All records are titled and are accompanied with a short description. The title refers to the physical location of the document at the Department of Special Research Collections at the UCSB Library. The short description summarizes the content of the record with keywords associated to the PDF files.

For simple search use the Search field, which processes search in the entire text of the records. It is impossible, however, to search the texts of the PDF files themselves, because the scanned images are not converted to plain text.

To refine the results select a term from the three filters appearing in the drop-down field which can be opened with the REFINE RESULTS button directly below the Search field. The drop-down filters include keywords associated with the PDF files. The complete names of the artists are used in the following order: first name, last name (e.g. Andrea Mantegna). The artists known only by their given name are used only as such (e.g. Antico). Keywords contain the English version of the artist’s name or of the used term.

Please note that keywords are not complete, they only reflect the most relevant information of each document.


If you wish to cite any of the files, please refer to the document title, the short description, the editors’ names and the website title for each record, and add the date when the record was accessed. For example: ‘BOX39 F0189 DOC1: Draft of the planned study on Giorgione's Tempesta in English’, in Miriam Szőcs and Andrea Rózsavölgyi eds., The Meller Project: Dedicated to the Scholarly Bequest of Peter Meller, Budapest 2016 » (accessed 5 December 2016)«

Using the Documents

For digital reproductions of the documents, please contact the Department of Special Research Collections, UCSB Library at